antigua guatemala wedding photographers

Wedding photographer in Antigua Guatemala. Rodolfo Walsh of Walsh Wedding Stories.  Wedding photography in Antigua Guatemala. Casa Santo Domingo wedding photographer.

It was an incredible honor to do the photography and videography of Ximena and Jose Luis in Antigua Guatemala. I loved the smiles and the happiness of the two of you and your families.  Very special moments at the church and an extremely fun party with non stop dancing.. They got ready at Hotel Casa Santo Domingo and the wedding ceremony and party took place at Santo Domingo del Cerro which is part of Casa Santo Domingo.

Antigua Guatemala is a UNESCO world heritage site in Guatemala. It´s cobblestone street and colonial architecture make a perfect setting for destination weddings. Hotel Casa Santo Domingo is the #1 hotel in Guatemala and was built on the ruins of a Dominican monastery. It was  built in 1538 an desroyed in the 1773 earthquake.

Wedding photographer in Antigua Guatemala
Wedding photographers in Antigua Guatemala
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Rodolfo Walsh wedding photographer
Antigua Guatemala wedding photographer
Antigua Guatemala wedding photographer
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Santo Domingo del Cerro weddings

wedding photographer in antigua guatemala

weddings in antigua guatemala

fotografo de bodas antigua guatemala
fotografo de bodas Rodolfo Walsh

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antigua wedding photographers
Wedding photographers antigua guatemala
santo domingo del cerro weddings
bodas en Santo Domingo del Cerro

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wedding photographer in antigua guatemala
Antigua Guatemala wedding photographers

wedding photographers in antigua guatemala

antigua guatemala wedding photographers
Antigua wedding photographers

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Rodolfo Walsh wedding photography
wedding photographer in Antigua
Bodas en Santo Domingo del Cerro

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antigua guatemala weddings
Fotógrafo de bodas Rodolfo Walsh

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wedding photos antigua

wedding photographers in antigua guatemala



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