jamaica beach wedding photography

Jamaica wedding photographer Rodolfo Walsh of Walsh Wedding Stories.  Ocho Rios wedding photos and video. Jamaica wedding and wedding vow renewal photography and videography at the Riu Ocho Rios

Michelle from South Africa and Erwin from the Phillipines live in Canada. They travelled to Jamaica to celebrate their beautiful destination wedding vow renewal. They chose the all-inclusive Riu Ocho Rios as their wedding venue.

It was a real honor to witness all the love and happiness of a wonderful day in paradise!!! Michelle and Erwin, you make an amazing couple! Seeing the love you have for each other after 20 years of marriage has been a life experience for me!!! That gazebo with the beautiful caribbean blue in the background where the ceremony took place was a dream setting.

Jamaica is an amazing place. The friendliest people and the most beautiful scenery you can imagine. It´s a mountainous island situated in the north of the Caribbean Sea. It is the third largest of the 4 Greater Antilles. Jamaica is the third-largest Anglophone nation in the Western Hemisphere and its capital city, Kingston, is the largest Anglophone city in the Caribbean.

Jamaica only has two cities, the first being Kingston, the capital city and centre of business, located on the south coast and the ‘second’ city being Montego Bay, one of the best known cities in the Caribbean for tourism, located on the north coast. Other towns include Portmore, Spanish Town, Mandeville and the resort towns of Ocho Ríos, Port Antonio and Negril.

Tourist attractions include Dunn’s River Falls in St. Ann, YS Falls in St. Elizabeth, the Blue Lagoon in Portland, believed to be the crater of an extinct volcano. 

The climate in Jamaica is tropical, with hot and humid weather, although higher inland regions are more temperate. 

Riu Ocho Rios wedding photographer
Riu Ocho Rios wedding photographer


Jamaica Wedding Photographer
Jamaica Wedding Photographer

wedding photographer riu ocho rios

Ocho rios wedding photographer

Riu Ocho rios wedding photos

wedding photography jamaica

Jamaica wedding photographer with drone
Drone aerials of Riu Ocho Rios

Jamaica beach wedding photographer

jamaican wedding photography

Jamaica wedding vow renewal photographer
Jamaica wedding vow renewal photographer

Riu ocho rios wedding photographers

wedding photographer jamaica drone aerials

Wedding vow renewal photographer Jamaica
Wedding vow renewal photographer Jamaica
jamaica beach wedding photography
Wedding photographer in Jamaica

Riu ocho rios wedding photographers

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