Houston wedding photographers Walsh Wedding Stories https://walshweddingstoriesblog.com. I was honored to do the photography and videography of the wedding of Camila and Michael in Houston, Texas. We started with a Welcome Dinner at the bride´s house organized by her sister and her congregation of nuns. It was a very intimate and special event. The next day we did an improvised photo shoot of the bride and groom just outside of St John Vianney´s church http://www.stjohnvianney.org/. After that we covered the rehearsal dinner at Armadillo Palace https://thearmadillopalace.com/. The place has a great Old Western feel to it and shot some fun photos and video. On Saturday, the religious ceremony took place at the beautiful church St. John Vianney. Then we drove to https://www.houstonian.com/ The Houstonian Hotel, where the bride and groom photo shoot and party took place. The original house belonged to the Bush family and made a great photo backdrop. The lighted tree was amazing too. A very special couple and family.

Houstonian Hotel Wedding Photographer