Weddings in antigua guatemala-night view of volcanoes

Wedding photographers Casa Santo Domingo in Antigua Guatemala. Photography and videography by Rodolfo Walsh of Walsh Wedding Stories

It was such an honor to phototograph Emily and Geoff ´s wedding. They are such a friendly and fun couple that it didn´t feel like I was working… I was having as much fun as them!!! I have never done the photography of an event at CasaTroccoli and it was truly a magical place. That´s were their rehearsal dinner was held. The wedding venue was Casa Santo Domingo which is always picture perfect.

Antigua Guatemala is a UNESCO world heritage site. It´s cobblestone street and colonial architecture make a perfect setting for destination weddings. Hotel Casa Santo Domingo was built on the ruins of a dominican monastery. It was  built in 1538 an desroyed in the 1773 earthquake.

Here´s the full set of my favorite wedding photos. I wish you all the happiness in the world!!!!

antigua guatemala wedding photographer-night view of antigua cathedral

rehearsal dinner at casa troccoli antigua guatemala
Rehearsal dinner photographers in Antigua Guatemala

Weddings in antigua guatemala-night view of volcanoes

casa santo domingo weddings-groom getting readywedding photographers casa santo domingo-bride getting readywedding photographer antigua guatemala-groom and groomsmen in the streets of antigua

antigua guatemala wedding photographers-bride and groom in the streets of antiguaantigua guatemala weddings-bride and groom spotting a quinceañera in antigua

antigua guatemala wedding photographers-bridal party in the streets of antigua
Casa Santo Domingo wedding photographer

antigua guatemala weddings-wedding photos in antigua central park

antigua guatemala wedding photographers-bride and groom in the arch street

antigua guatemala wedding photos-bride and groom in the calle del arco in antigua
Weddings in Antigua Guatemala

weddings in casa santo domingo antigua guatemala

wedding photographers casa santo domingo-party at convention center
Wedding photographers Casa Santo Domingo

casa santo domingo weddings-bride walking with father to churchcasa santo domingo wedding photographers- bride and groom at churchwedding photographers casa santo domingo churchcasa santo domingo wedding photographer-sister of the bride at chapelcasa santo domingo wedding photographers. casa santo domingo convention center partywedding photographers casa santo domingo antigua guatemala- cutting of the cake

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