Malibou lake House wedding photos

Malibu Los Angeles wedding photographer videographer. Rodolfo Walsh of Walsh Wedding Stories covering weddings in the Los Angeles area, Malibu, Santa Mónica, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Glendale and West Hollywood.

This is a selection of my favorite photos of Edna and Vincent´s wedding which took place at a wonderful wedding venue: Malibou Lake Mountain Club near Los Angeles.  Malibou Lake Mountain Club is on the shores of the Lake and has beautiful views of it. It´s a very peaceful and quiet place. Many classic Hollywood movies were filmed here. The architecture of the old house is quite beautiful.

Thanks so much for flying my videographer and I to your gorgeous wedding. A wonderful couple and a wonderful experience!!!. Malibou lake wedding photography by Rodolfo Walsh of

Malibu Los Angeles wedding photographer and videographer
Malibu Los Angeles wedding photographer and videographer

malibou lake wedding photographermalibou lake mountain club wedding photographersmalibu wedding photographermalibu wedding photography

wedding photographers los angeles
Wedding photos Malibou Lake

malibou lake mountain club wedding photos

lake malibu wedding photos
Malibu wedding photographers
Wedding at Malibou Lake Mountain Club
Wedding photographers Malibou Lake House

Malibou Lake weddings

wedding photos malibou lake

Malibu Los Angeles wedding photographer and videographer
Malibou Lake wedding photos

Malibou Lake State Park wedding photographerMalibou Lake Montain Club weddingwedding photos Malibou Lake house malibu los angeles wedding photographerMalibu Los Angeles wedding photographer videographerwedding photos in malibumalibu wedding photographers

Malibu Los Angeles wedding photographer videographer
Malibu Los Angeles wedding photographer videographer
Malibou lake House wedding photos
Malibou Lake mountain club wedding photographer

Malibu Los Angeles wedding photographer videographer

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